Today we celebrate the birth and appearance day of Śrī Gaṇeśa, the elephant-headed deity of the Vedic pantheon. Gaṇeśa is perhaps the most well-known and the most popular in the modern world and is believed to be the easiest and quickest to please and gain blessing from. Gaṇeśa is the lord of beginnings and is worshipped before starting any important endeavor to remove obstacles (and to put obstacles in the way of those bent on doing us harm). 

Gaṇeśa has a single tusk (ekadanta); the other being broken. He has four arms: in one he holds a noose (pāśa) to capture and bind all difficulty (though he may bind us if we upset him); in another an elephant goad, a sharp prod that removes obstacles in the path of dharma and repels that and those that may lead us down the wrong path. His lower right hand is seen in Varada Mudrā always bestowing limitless blessings to his devotees.

Although pictured with the head of an elephant, Gaṇeśa's vehicle and symbol is the tiny mouse. The large body of Gaṇeśa riding atop the feeble mouse represents the capacity of the intellect to maneuver in small places and in this way the ability to access the hidden and the unseen.

Gaṇeśa is one of the Pañca Devatā, one of the five primary faces of the supreme reality. On an elemental level Gaṇeśa is the earth element and is connected to Mercury. In the body Gaṇeśa is the intellect. Worshipping Gaṇeśa makes the intelligence sharp and gives us the ability to apply it properly in the same way a strong Mercury at birth will indicate a very resourceful person.

Gaṇeśa is also associated with the south node Ketu, an invisible planet that represents spiritual pursuits, hidden knowledge (and computers!), and psychic ability. Worshipping Gaṇeśa helps us grasp complex ideas and strengthens our ability to connect the dots. Gaṇeśa worship is foundational to a proper understanding of Vedic astrology.

There are many forms in which Gaṇeśa can be approached. You can worship the form of Gaṇeśa indicated by the placement of Mercury, Ketu, or the planet or sign lord opposite the Bādhakeśa (lord of obstacles) in your chart. Gemini and Virgo ascendants will have great success worshipping Gaṇeśa. All aspirants and initiates in the Vedic religion begin walking their path from Gaṇeśa as he is the key, the door, and the way through it.

Be advised that while Gaṇeśa is very easy to approach, his curse is very difficult to remove and thus should not be played with like a toy. Only the sitting form of Gaṇeśa should be worshipped at home. Any other form such as the standing or dancing form of Gaṇeśa is only to be approached by properly ordained initiates under the guidance from their teachers, or worshipped in temples. It is also strongly advised to avoid looking at the moon today as it is believed that those who may look at it even by accident shall have to face some deceit, treachery, or false accusation within one year. 

Take some time to repeat his Mūla mantra today: “om gam gaṇapataye namaḥ”. This nine-syllable mantra holds immense power and is the first prayer that any devotee of mantra, yantra, tantra, yoga, or astrology must master before the power (śakti) of that knowledge (vidyā) can be put to use. Gaṇeśa was made from mud by the hands of goddess Pārvatī. Worshipping Gaṇeśa is plugging in the electrical current, without which knowledge is lifeless. 

Jaya Śrī Gaṇeśa!
