
In the Vedic calendar time is made of the 5 fundamental elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

The balance of the five elements at the time of your birth is the foundation for your health and wellbeing, at the time of a praśna it shows the support or lack of support present for the question to fructify, and at the time of a muhūrta acts as the foundation for the birth and growth of your endeavor.

  • Solar day = fire, ruled by Mars: is connected to digestion, health, and eyesight

  • Lunar day = water, ruled by Venus: connected to relationship, finance, and taste

  • Nakṣatra = air, ruled by Saturn: connected to mind, breath, and touch

  • Yoga = space, ruled by Jupiter: connected to balance, connection, and hearing

  • Karaṇa = earth, ruled by Mercury: connected to sustenance and smell

Defining the combustion of the Moon 

The combustion of a planet is defined as the time period when the apparent disc of the planet (grahabimba) becomes invisible due to its proximity (sānnidhya) to the Sun. Sūrya Siddhānta and other astronomy texts provide detailed formulas for calculating the time of the combustion of the five elemental planets (tārā graha). However, the combustion of the moon takes place at the same time in every lunar month. Combustion begins at the onset of the fourteenth lunar day (tithi) of the waning fortnight (kṛṣṇa caturdaśī). The moon remains invisible for three lunar days and becomes visible at the onset of the second day of the waxing fortnight (śukla dvitīyā). The appearance of the moon after having been invisible was known as the new moon in some cultures, while the complete absence of the moon’s disc in the night sky was known as the dark moon. The time period leading up to the dark moon is considered inauspicious for most activities in Vedic electional astrology.

Old age of the moon (vṛddhatva)

The three days (tryahaṁ) before the kṛṣṇa caturdaśī tithi begins is defined as the old age of the moon (vidhoḥ). No auspicious ceremonies should be performed during this time.

Infancy of the moon (bālyaṁ)

The half day (arddhāhaṁ) period commencing from the beginning of the śukla dvitīyā tithi is defined as the infancy of the moon. This time is not necessarily contraindicated for auspicious activities, and is even recommended by some scholars. For example, Kaśyapa states that in a marriage election the old age of the moon (vṛddhacandraḥ) causes trouble for the bride (striyaṁ hanti), while the combustion of the moon (hantyastamāgataḥ) causes trouble for the bridegroom (patim). However, because (yato) the rays of the infant moon’s light (raśmi) are likened to divine nectar (amṛta) the infancy (bālo'pi) of the moon (śaśī) is considered auspicious (śubhadaḥ). Therefore the time between the onset of the eleventh day of the waning fortnight (kṛṣṇa ekādaśī) and the beginning of the second day of the waxing forntight (śukla dvitīyā) should be avoided for all auspicious activities. 

21 things to avoid in all important elections

Nārada Saṁhitā

Translated by Elliot Hocker

These 21 Mahādoṣas should be avoided for all important occassions including the sixteen Vedic saṁskāras, as well as the commencement of building a temple or establishing a deity in a temple (pratiṣṭhā), beginning construction of a new house (gṛhārambha), moving into a new house (praveśa), travel (yātrā), and leaving for battle (yuddhayāna). According to Vasiṣṭha those who perform ancestral rites (śrāddha), offer food and water to the ancestors (tarpaṇa), bath in rivers and oceans (snāna), and/or donate to charity (dāna) during these times attain great fortune.

1.     Pañcāṅga Doṣa – Sunday and Tuesday, Riktā tithis, Amāvasyā, nakṣatras other than those recommended for the activity, all inauspicious yogas, Viṣṭi and Sthira karaṇas, Mṛtyu Yoga, Yamaghaṇṭa Yoga, Māsa Śunya tithis and all other inauspicious yogas.

2.     Udayāsta Śuddhi – the first and seventh house should be strong and unafflicted with no malefic planets placed therein, and ideally devoid of malefic aspect, as well. The first and seventh lords should not be afflicted or placed in a dusthāna. Most scholars also favor an empty kāraka house.

3.     Saṅkrānti – avoiding the time period when the Sun is 0° in any sign. The time when any planet is 0° is not recommended for marriage. If this is unavoidable then at least the Saṅkrānti period of the planet should be avoided. The kāraka planet should never be 0° for any election.

4.     Pāpaṣaḍvarga – strong and predominant malefics should be avoided in the six primary divisional charts: Rāśi (D1), Horā (D2), Dreṣkāṇa (D3), Navāṁśa (D9), Dvādaśāṁśa (D12), and Triṁśāṁśa (D30).  

5.     Bhṛgu ṣaṭka – Venus in the 6th house from the ascendant

6.     Aṣṭama Kuja – Mars in the 8th house from the ascendant

7.     Gaṇḍānta doṣa – avoid lagna, tithi, and nakṣatra gaṇḍānta

8.     Kartarī doṣa – malefic planets 2nd and 12th from the ascendant, moon, and kāraka house should be avoided

9.     ṣaḍaṣṭariṣpha Candra doṣa – the moon in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house

10.  Saṅgraha – the moon conjunct any other planets, especially malefics

11.  Aṣṭama Lagna – the 8th house rāśi from the natal ascendant and moon

12.  Viṣa Ghaṭī – Viṣa ghaṭīs of weekday, tithi, and nakṣatra

13.  Dūrmuhūrta – inauspicious muhūrtas

14.  Vāra Doṣa – Kulika, Yamaghaṇṭa, Kāla Velā, Ardhayāma, and Rāhu Kāla

15Daśa Doṣas - the ten afflictions

1. Vedha

2. Lattā

3. Pāta

4. Ekārgalā

5. Daśa Yoga,

6. Yuti

7. Jāmitra

8. Upagraha

9. Bāṇa

10. Vajra

16.  Grahaṇa & Utpāta Bha – seven days before and after a solar eclipse, and three days before and after a lunar eclipse. The constellations in which an eclipse appears should be avoided for six months after that eclipse. The nakṣatra in which a portent (utpāta) occurs should also be avoided.

17.  Krūraviddha Nakṣatra – a nakṣatra receiving vedha from a malefic planet in the Pañcaśalākhā and/or Saptaśalākhā Cakra.

18.  Krūra Saṁyuta Doṣa – untimely weather such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, rain and snow storms, etc.

19.  Kunavāṁśa Doṣa – the ascendant rising should not occupy the navāṁśa of a malefic, and no malefics should occupy the navāṁśa lagna.

20.  Vyatipāta – when the Sun and Moon are equally removed from the equator on the same side of the Krānti Sāmya Jñāta Cakra. Varāhamihira believes that this time is more malefic than an eclipse and suggests avoided the day before, day of, and day after.

21.  Vaidhṛti – when the Sun and Moon are equally removed from the equator on opposite sides of the Krānti Sāmya Jñāta Cakra. Varāhamihira believes this time more malefic than eclipses and suggests avoided the day before, day of, and day after.