Syllables and the sacred seed

Written for The Mountain Astrologer Magazine. Art by Kalyja Rain.

SATURN Rx SIDEREAL AQUARIUS: 6/05/2022 – 7/12/2022

Each syllable of language is a seed. Seeds sown in specific sequences become spells or mantras. The Sanskrit word mantra means “protection of mind”. Mantra is an ancient tool that can be used by anyone to access the vibrational potency of sound for mental protection.

Mantras operate in two ways: to protect and to purify. As a shield, mantra guards the mind from pessimistic thought patterns by establishing new rhythms in the cerebral substratum. Mantra also purifies. Imagine memory as dents in the psychic vehicle, concealed by the dust and dirt of life's travels. Mantra cleans the grooves and gutters of learned behaviors and redeems the user from thought-servitude.

The mind is the astral chariot of the wayfaring soul. Action is the avenue it takes. The inclination to act remains dormant until its time ripens. Planetary transits pull the strings cinched to the area of life a planet portends, initiating experience.

As a rule, we can count the syllables in any mantra and recite it that many times or use our fingers or a rosary to experience the power of 108. Any mantra can be fully activated at 108 repetitions. Divide the 360º of the Zodiac into 108 divisions. The resulting 3º 20’ is one ninth of a sign and is connected to the 9th house and its division in Vedic horoscopy. Multiplying that by the 12 signs we again get 108. Each repetition of mantra radiates 3º 20’ of time-space activating the symbolic numerology woven into the fabric of the entire Zodiac.

The number eleven is connected to the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius. Activate this eleven-syllable mantra to beget peace and pacification during the last week of Saturn’s retrograde Aquarian transit.

"om śaṁ śanaiścarāya namaḥ"

Om Peace! Salutations be to Saturn!

· “om” the primordial seed sound of the universe accompanies and activates all petitions for effective employment.

· “śaṁ” is a seed syllable that invokes peace and surrender.

· Śanaiścara is the epithet of Saturn’s slow nature, inflected for Saturn’s receipt it becomes “śanaiścarāya”.

· “namaḥ” is the age-old gender-neutral statement of submission to divinity in all beings.

Read the article here


Aries Saṅkrānti


Professor Saturn