Transits in Vedic Astrology

Learn how to read, interpret, and predict transits in Vedic Astrology

Next live class begins September 23rd, 2024

  • Live classes meet on Zoom once a week on Mondays from 6-8pm PST

  • Sign up and and access previously recorded material anytime, or wait for the next live session

  • Lifetime access to videos and course content from all previous classes

  • NEW: Free 1 oz. sample pack of the Nine Planet Protection herbal bathing formula upon sign up ($44.00 value) - Visit shop

Sign up

Click the PayPal button below and enter the name of the course and the amount you're paying at checkout. If you need a different way to pay, contact me at

Preview the course material to get a feel for the interactive learning environment

12 week online course

The nine planets are constantly moving in the solar system at different speeds. The moon takes about two and half days to complete one cycle through the zodiac, while Saturn takes more than two and a half years. Though transits happen at the same time and in the same sign for everyone on earth, they affect everyone differently based on the natal position of the moon, ascendant, and the planets in your birth chart. Learn to interpret the results of transits and how they affect you using ancient Vedic techniques and remedies to support favorable transits and alleviate unfavorable transits.

This course is designed for anyone with any level of background in Vedic or Western astrology. The skills you will learn in this course can be applied universally. A foundational understanding of the nine planets and their archetypes is a must. Beyond that all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to learn these extraordinarily accurate timing techniques. Total beginners can take the course if they are willing to put in some extra work the first few weeks of the course.

Students will learn

  • Transit interpretation for all nine planets

  • Examine transits from moon, ascendant, various houses, and natal planet position

  • Integrating natal planet strength and status into transit prediction

  • Bringing transits to life using gocara, vedha, and reverse vedha

  • Integrating transits into muhūrta calculations & dasā systems

  • Remedies for inauspicious transits


  • Next live course begins Monday, September 23 2024

  • Classes are held once a week on Monday evening from 6-8pm PST/PDT

  • Course duration: 12 weeks

  • Weekly Zoom meeting accessible anywhere in the world

  • All classes are recorded and available online if you miss a class

  • Investment: $360 USD

Sign up

Click the PayPal button below and enter the name of the course and the amount you're paying at checkout. If you need a different way to pay, contact me at

Class Schedule

Class 1: Transit (gocara) & Intervention (vedha), how transits actually work

Class 2: Moon transits and the “Phala Filter”

Class 3: Sun transits & health, position, and promotion

Class 4: Mars transits & willpower, danger, and protection

Class 5: Mercury transits & career, communication, and networking

Class 6: Jupiter transits - the hand of fortune, part 1

Class 7: Jupiter transits - the hand of fortune, part 2

Class 8: Venus transits & love, romance, and comfort

Class 9: Saturn transits - the hand of hardship, disease, and suffering: part 1

Class 10: Saturn transits - the hand of hardship, disease, and suffering: part 2

Class 11: Rāhu & Ketu transits - mystery, transformation, and spiritual breakthrough

Class 12: Part 1 - Integrating transits into vimśottarī, nārāyana, sudarśana, and mūla daśā systems

Part 2 - Remedies*

*Start using the Nine Planet Protection herbal bathing formula for ultimate energetic protection from planetary influence today - Visit the shop