Hybrid Solar Eclipse

On Wednesday, April 19, there will be a solar eclipse from 6:34pm-11:59pm PDT happening in Aśvinī nakṣatra in the sign of Aries. This solar eclipse is a very rare astronomical event called a hybrid eclipse. A hybrid eclipse happens when the eclipse begins as an annular eclipse, becomes a total solar eclipse, and then finishes as an annular eclipse again. An annular eclipse indicates a ring of fire. A total eclipse happens when the size of the moon’s disc is equal to or larger than the sun’s disc. This solar eclipse is followed by a lunar eclipse on May 5 and is part of a larger eclipse cycle that began in April 2022 with the movement of Rāhu, the north node, into Aries. This set of eclipses is the third of four eclipses that will happen on the Aries-Libra axis between 2022-2023.

Partial eclipse begins - April 19, 6:34pm

Total eclipse begins - April 19, 7:37pm

Maximum eclipse - April 19, 9:16pm

Total eclipse ends - April 19, 10:56pm

Partial eclipse ends - April 19, 11:59pm

A solar eclipse happens on the New Moon when the sun is within a 15-18° range from one of the nodes, Rāhu or Ketu. This eclipse is happening due to the conjunction of the Sun with Rāhu. In fact, Rāhu is just 5° away from the Sun right now. In this way, it is recommended to avoid important life decisions up to 10 days before and 10 days after a total solar eclipse as this is the period when the sun is in the range of becoming eclipsed by Rāhu, known as Grahaṇa Sambhava in Sanskrit. However, some scholars recommend avoiding only 7 days on either side of the eclipse, while others advise a minimum of 3 days before and after an eclipse. According to Muhūrta Cintāmaṇi, the aftereffects of a total eclipse can last up to six months and so the nakṣatra that the moon occupies during this eclipse – Aśvinī – should be avoided in important elections for the next six months.

Vedic tradition teaches that eclipses are excellent times for spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and ritual, but advises avoiding material pursuits such as traveling, business endeavors, and getting married. Rāhu can “eclipse” the deeper desires of the soul through things like confusion, cheating, or over-indulgence. Ideas and opportunities that present themselves during this eclipse window are best revisited after the coming lunar eclipse on May 5.

Eclipses effect everyone differently according to their birth chart. For example, eclipses that happen in Upacaya houses can bring growth and opportunity as the natural significations of these houses indicate hard work and enterprise, while an eclipse over the 8th house can show danger, and an eclipse over the natal moon or ascendent can cause more serious health issues.

Effects of the eclipse according to houses counted from moon or ascendent: 

1st house – physical harm (ghāta)

2nd house – loss (kṣati)

3rd house – wealth (śrī)

4th house – emotional anxiety (vyathā)

5th house – stress (cintā)

6th house – happiness (saukhya)

7th house – trouble to spouse (kalatradausthya)

8th house – death (mṛti)

9th house – loss of respect or reputation (mānanāśa)

10th house – happiness (sukha)

11th house – gains (lābha)

12th house – misfortune or injury (apāya)

Eclipses happening in inauspicious houses require remedies for physical and mental protection. Take a bath or sit in a river, lake, or ocean at the beginning of the eclipse, facing north, cover your head with a clean white cloth and recite the Gāyatrī, Mṛtyuñjaya, or Navārṇa mantra internally. If someone does not have initiation in Gāyatrī or Navārṇa mantra then they can consider Mṛtyuñjaya, or the following Narasiṁha mantra. 

Narasiṁha mantra:

उग्रं वीरं महाविष्णुं ज्वलन्तं सर्वतोमुखम्।

नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम्॥

ugraṁ vīraṁ mahāviṣṇuṁ jvalantaṁ sarvatomukham|

nṛsiṁhaṁ bhīṣaṇaṁ bhadraṁ mṛtyumṛtyuṁ namāmyaham||

Chant the mantra internally until the exact moment of the total eclipse, take another bath, then continue chanting until the eclipse has finished, and then take a final bath and change your clothes. Fasting up to 12 hours before the beginning of a solar eclipse is ideal and no food or drink other than water with tulasi leaves or other seasonal herbs should be consumed during the eclipse. A full Vedic pacification ceremony is recommended when an eclipse takes place over the Janma or Nidhana nakṣatra in the birth chart. The method for performing the ritual is explained in detail by Vasiṣṭha. Those whose moon or ascendent is in Śravana or Aśvinī nakṣatra should take extra caution during this eclipse. 

The pacification ritual for an eclipse should also include some kind of donation. This is also a great option for those who may be less spiritually inclined or who may not have the time for extensive rituals. According to Nārada, one should donate a golden snake presented on a copper vessel full of sesame, along with new clothing and a monetary donation, to a learned scholar, teacher, or priest. If a golden snake is not available, use a gold coin. If a gold coin is too expensive, use 1-2 gram pieces of pure gold as finances allow. Another option is to create an image of the sun in gold and donate it to a learned person. Wealthy people should donate land, cows, and gold.  

General guidelines for an eclipse visible in your area: 

  • Avoid eating any cooked food or cooking during an eclipse. Some people fast for 12 hours before an eclipse, while others just avoid food and drink during the eclipse.

  • Avoid sexual activity during an eclipse.

  • Eclipses periods are great times to clean the house, take out the trash, and make donations to charity.

  • If the eclipse is inauspicious based on count from the natal moon or ascendent and a person is ill or unable to perform the ceremony themselves then a Mṛtyuñjaya fire ceremony can be sponsored and organized in their name.

  • Everyone is encouraged to bath after an eclipse before continuing their worldly activities.

  • Women and children were not traditionally required to pause their daily duties during an eclipse. However, this assumes that the husband/father is performing enough mantra and meditation to take care of the whole family.

  • All activities yield increased results during an eclipse and so scholars will practice recitation, sādhakas will perform rituals, and yogis will meditate. 

  • If the sky is cloudy during an eclipse it does not negate the effects.

According to Vyāsa, during an eclipse all water is equal to the holy river Gaṅgā, all land is equal to the holy land of Kurukṣetra, and all learned persons are equal to Brahmā himself. In this way, no matter where you are, how busy you are, or what religious beliefs you hold, there is always an opportunity to experience the spiritual benefits of an eclipse.


Mercury Stationary Retrograde


Aries Saṅkrānti