Mercury Stationary Retrograde

Between 1:45am Thursday, April 20th and 1:41am Friday, April 21st, the apparent orbital speed of Mercury will slow to a halt as the planet prepares to move into its second retrograde phase of 2023. The short time window when a planet’s speed drops below 10% of its average daily motion is called stationary motion, or kuṭila in Sanskrit. This time period only lasts about 24 hours for Mercury and so is a very rare placement to have in a birth chart.

Mercury will remain retrograde moving back to about 11°40’ Aries when it will become stationary again before going direct on May 14th. Mercury will also go combust on Sunday, April 23. When Mercury moves within 11° on either side of the Sun he becomes invisible, or asta in Sanskrit, and is no longer visible to the naked eye. According to Nārada, invisible planets are not able to give their beneficial results in transit and so those who have been experiencing favorable results of Mercury in transit or daśā may notice a slight decrease the next few weeks as Mercury moves into exact conjunction with the Sun on Sunday, May 1st, at 9:07am, known as cazimi – in the heart of the Sun – in Arabic.

Stationary retrograde: April 20th – 21st

Retrograde: April 21st – May 14th

Combust: April 23rd – May 9th

Cazimi: May 1st, 9:07am PDT

Stationary direct: May 14th – May 15th

Mercury is called Budha, the intelligent one, in Sanskri, and is the planet of communication, organization, and mental dexterity. In Greek mythology Mercury is the messenger who informs advises in both strategy and alliance. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the fastest moving indicating its flexibility and social aptitude that allows it to adapt to any situation. Mercury is an expert storyteller and comedian and is very keen at obtaining information. In this way, Mercury manifests as search engines, intelligence agencies, and the nervous system in the body.

According to Parāśara, Mercury gives the ability to speak (vāṇīpradāyaka). The quality of speech of an individual shows their education, cultural background, and upbringing. In other words, it shows refinement and class. The phenomenon of speech is seen from the 2nd house, while the quality and strength of speech is seen in the 2nd house from Mercury. The association of malefic planets in placement or aspect will make the nature of speech cruel and crass, while benefic associations will make the speech kind and gentle.

Mercury is personified as an impressionable, young child and is therefore easily influenced by others. In a traditional government Mercury is the prince. The natural ruling period of Mercury is from the age of 3-12 when a child first learns to read and write, and in this way the gender of Mercury is undefined as children have no concept of sexual energy until the onset of puberty. Mercury loves games, jokes, and riddles – a strong Mercury can make someone very witty with their words and even indicate a comedian in this way creative games and playtime are more common in childhood, while an afflicted Mercury can create problems in primary education or a difficult childhood.

Mercury is also very important for business and trade. Mercury is connected to the earth element and the rajas guṇa as the capacity to acquire material resources for sustaining human life is seen from Mercury’s natural significations of the 10th house of career. Reading, writing, and communicating are essential for a successful business and in this way, Mercury rules the sign of the natural 3rd house Gemini. A strong Mercury will make someone crafty in business but can also make someone very skilled with their hands as Mercury rules the sign of the natural 6th house Virgo and so a strong Mercury brings order and structure in life.

According to Parāśara, Mercury possesses an attractive body and will make someone active, athletic, and fit. The constitution of Mercury is tridoshic and so Mercury is generally healthy and enjoys a balanced diet of all six tastes. However, because of its association with the three humors Vāta, Pitta, and Kapha, an afflicted Mercury can create health issues that are very difficult to diagnose.

वपुःश्रेष्ठः श्लिष्टवाक्च ह्यतिहास्यरुचिर्बुधः ।

पित्तवान् कफवान् विप्र मारुतप्रकृतिस्तथा ॥

vapuḥśreṣṭhaḥ śliṣṭavākca hyatihāsyarucirbudhaḥ

pittavān kaphavān vipra mārutaprakṛtistathā

Mercury is connected to fresh, young life, and in this way prefers fresh vegetarian foods like leafy greens and sprouts. Eating more green things like green juices, salads, and mung beans and mung bean sprouts is an excellent and practical way to strengthen Mercury. Avoid too much old, fermented foods, meats, and alcohols. Even too many hot spicy foods with lots of onions, garlic, and chilis can disturb the equanimity of mind and so these can also be avoided to strengthen Mercury. Wearing green colored clothing or earth tones, and even spending more time outside pulling weeds, digging in the garden, and watering plants is a great way to integrate the earth element component of Mercury.

Strengthening Mercury benefits those suffering from attention deficit disorders and weak communication skills as Mercury is emblematic of mankind’s cognitive abilities. Now is an excellent time to begin or perform extra Mercury remedies to strengthen the beneficial qualities of Mercury in your life, or to protect against inauspicious time periods i.e., daśās, and unfavorable transits. Mercury governs the northern direction. Keep the northern direction of your house and property clean and orderly. Mercury rules Wednesday. Beginning on a Wednesday during the planetary hour of Mercury create an altar with a picture of the yantra or sacred square of Mercury, or the planet itself, light a candle or ghee lamp and offer sweet earthy incense like sandalwood daily.

Mercury mantra:

ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः

om brāṁ brīṁ brauṁ saḥ budhāya namaḥ

Mercury hymn:  

प्रियङ्गुकलिकाश्यामं रूपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम्।

सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥

priyaṅgukalikāśyāmaṁ rūpeṇāpratimaṁ budham|

saumyaṁ saumyaguṇopetaṁ taṁ budhaṁ praṇamāmyaham||


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