Jupiter in Aries

On Friday, April 21 Jupiter entered the very beginning of Aries in the sidereal zodiac where it will stay until April 30, 2024. Jupiter is the greatest benefic planet in our solar system and is the natural significator for happiness, knowledge, and good luck, and if not afflicted will bring growth and expansion in its placement and aspect during transit.

Aries is a friendly sign for Jupiter as Jupiter and Mars are natural friends. Aries is the natural first house and Jupiter gains directional strength in the 1st house as the significator of human intelligence. Jupiter and Mars will remain temporal best friends until Mars moves into Leo on June 30th where they will be “just friends” for the remainder of the year until entering a parivartana, or mutual exchange, for the final days of 2023.

However, Jupiter is now afflicted by Saturn's aspect and conjunction with Rāhu. A Jupiter and Rāhu conjunction is called a Guru Caṇḍāla Yoga in Sanskrit and between May 23rd-May 30th Jupiter will be in exact conjunction with Rāhu, indicating a type of "shadow war” between spiritual knowledge and material pursuit. Jupiter will get a little break when Rāhu finally leaves Aries in November, Rāhu will then aspect Jupiter and therefore Jupiter will remain afflicted for the entire duration of its stay in Aries, indicating a significant decrease in the beneficial results normally bestowed by Jupiter in both transit and in the mundane world.

Jupiter Gaṇḍānta

Jupiter entered Pisces gaṇḍānta on April 7th and will remain gaṇḍānta in Aries until Friday, May 5th. The final 3°20’ of Pisces and the beginning of 3°20’ of Aries is called gaṇḍānta in Vedic astrology and is one of three unstable transition points between the water and fire signs as water and fire are perpetually inimical and can never be mixed. Gaṇḍa means a stud or button in Sanskrit and anta means the end, signifiying a place of crossing over or transitioning from one place to the next like a knot in rope. The placement of a planet in gaṇḍānta in transit or a birth chart can indicate abrupt change, closure, or transition according to its significations and house lordship. Classical Vedic ceremonies are recommended by Vedic astrologers when a planet is gaṇḍānta. In a praśna a planet in the end portion of gaṇḍānta indicates something is dying or ending, and in the beginning portion indicates something is too new, premature, or doesn’t have enough support to fructify. Jupiter is the natural significator of teachers, professors, priests, traditional wisdom holders, and dharma gurus and when gaṇḍānta in transit can affect these people in society in a negative way.

Combustion of Jupiter

Jupiter completes its first degree of movement in Aries on April 25th and on April 26th moves out of combustion. The first degree of a sign is called sandhi and is a transition period where the planet has packed up its belongings and is not capable of giving any results. Normally the effects of Jupiter’s transit can be felt up to 1 month before it changes signs, but Jupiter moved within 11° of the Sun becoming combust on March 27th greatly diminishing its ability to bestow its results. The combustion of Jupiter ends today so those who are running a beneficial ruling period of Jupiter, those whose ascendent, moon, or naksatra is ruled by Jupiter, or those who have entered a positive transit of Jupiter will begin to experience the blessings of the great benefic this week.

Jupiter year

Jupiter takes an average of 12-13 months to traverse a sign and so it only change signs once a year. The transit of Jupiter into a new sign is called a Jovial year and is used to name the sidereal Vedic calendar year. There are 60 years used in Vedic astrology that are connected to the larger cycles of Jupiter and Saturn. This year is called Nala. According to Dhuṇḍhirāja,  children born this year will be blessed with keen intelligence, good character, and will succeed in business related to materials produced from or obtained in water, and in the same way there will be higher than average rainfall this year.

Speed of Jupiter

Jupiter normally moves about 5 arc minutes per day but is currently moving at almost 290% speed making it extremely fast. This happens when planets appear closer to the Sun on the ecliptic and often overlaps with a combustion period. Jupiter reached a maximum speed of 290% in Pisces from April 7th-13th and will now begin to slow down gradually as the Sun moves away from Jupiter. Planets that move into a new sign at a rate over 150% of their average daily motion are called extremely fast, or Aticāra in Sanskrit. Aticāra planets indicate a degree of fear and behave as if they are running from something and in a birth chart can cause anxiety and overwhelm. Jupiter will remain Aticāra until July 24th. According to Vātsya, auspicious ceremonies such as marriage and moving into a new house should be avoided when Jupiter is either Aticāra or retrograde. Other scholars agree that waiting 28 days from the day Jupiter becomes Aticāra is adequate. However, according to Phaladīpikā if Jupiter has Gurubala in its transit from the natal  ascendent or natal moon sign then a properly calculated marriage muhūrta is enough to mitigate the negative effects. 

Transit of Jupiter

Most modern astrologers consider the transit of Jupiter a beneficial transit. However, this is only partially true. According to the ancient Indian scholar Varāhamihira, if Jupiter transits the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 11th house then it is beneficial, otherwise even Jupiter can create issues. Take a look at the transit of Jupiter through the 12 houses to see how it will affect you this year. Remember that the exact transit results of any planet need to be interpreted according to the natal position of that planet in your birth chart, while also integrating vedha and aṣṭakavarga

Classical transit results of Jupiter according to Varāhamihira

1st ✕  

  • Loss of wealth and intelligence

  • Loss of position

  • Deceit, drama, or controversy

2nd √  

  • Good for money

  • Free from enemies

  • A beloved or lover will play with his mouth like a bee collecting pollen

3rd ✕  

  • Loss of position

  • Want of success

4th ✕  

  • May suffer a variety of troubles from family members, relatives, and associates

  • Inability to find happiness and contentment in activities and environments that may normally be pleasing.

5th √  

  • Lots of help from friends, servants, and attendants

  • Birth of children or spending more time with children

  • Animals and vehicles

  • Investments in gold, stocks, etc. are fruitful

  • May live in or buy a house in town

  • Clothing and jewelry increases

6th house ✕  

  • Friends can become enemies

  • Pleasant things will appear unpleasant

7th house √  

  • Rest and comfort in the bedroom

  • Sexual indulgment

  • Wealth

  • Quality food to eat

  • Vehicles

  • Eloquent and intelligent speech

8th house ✕  

  • Obstruction or imprisonment

  • Health troubles

  • Intense grief

  • Difficulties on a journey

9th house √  

  • Skill and authority

  • Good time to conceive

  • Success and accomplishment at work

  • Fertile lands

10th house ✕  

  • Loss of position, health, or wealth

11th house √  

  • Bestows position, health, and wealth

12th house ✕  

  • Experiences grief due to having taken the wrong path in life though continuing forward on the journey.

Easy remedies to maximize the beneficial results of Jupiter

  • Create an altar for Jupiter in the northeast corner of your temple room or house.

  • Draw a Jupiter yantra or print out a picture of Jupiter and light a ghee lamp, incense on Thursdays or anytime during the planetary hour of Jupiter.

  • Decorate your altar, home, and office with yellow vases filled with beautiful yellow flowers like yellow roses.

  • Listen to or chant a Jupiter mantra or recite a petition to Jupiter from a classical source every morning after you shower.

  • Listen to or chant “om namaḥ śivāya” daily.

  • Treat teachers, professors, and dharma gurus with respect and humility.

  • Practice active listening skills when speaking with others.

  • Avoid swear words and cursing.

  • Avoid indulging in farfetched conspiracies that are not grounded in fact.

  • Donate to charities and organizations that help preserve traditional spiritual teachings such as a monastery that gives free education to young children who aspire to become priests or spiritual teachers.

  • Visit a Śiva temple and do selfless service such as washing and shining the dishes used in ceremony.

  • Feed cows sweet, sattvic foods like bananas or chickpeas soaked in water mixed with ghee and whole cane sugar.

  • Get a routine check up and make sure your hormone levels are balanced.

  • Avoid alcohol.

  • Avoid cow meat.

  • Eat more foods made with garbanzo beans like hummus and falafel.

  • Avoid vegetable oils.

  • Incorporate more ghee in your cooking.

  • Take a daily turmeric supplement.

  • Wear more yellow clothing.

  • Wear more gold jewelry.




Mercury Stationary Retrograde