Makara Saṅkrānti

MAKARA SANKRĀNTI - Today at around 1:00pm PST here in California the Sun made its way into sidereal Capricorn, marking the end of Khara Māsa - Sun in Sagittarius or Pisces - and with this the Vedic calendar is now open for marriage muhūrtas for the next two months.

Makara means Capricorn in Sanskrit and is described by Sage Parāśara as having a body that is half land animal and half aquatic creature. According to Vaidyanātha, Capricorn is a spotted, golden light-brown color, similar to the color of Mango Ginger (Curcuma amada). Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is the natural 10th house of the zodiac that is our actions in the world and the field of our thoughts, which both determine our means of livelihood and our karma.  

Sankrānti means transference in English and indicates crossing over or moving from one location to the next. The transference of the Sun into the sign Capricorn is celebrated widely throughout India as it once coincided with the tropical winter solstice. In many parts of India the holiday is celebrated by bathing in a river and offering water oblations (arghya) to the Sun as it rises in the morning. It is believed that making and eating kichari and offering Lord Śiva sweets made from sesame seed and sugar cane keeps the body warm during the winter months.

The sign Capricorn is blessed by Bhaga Āditya, the Sun God that nourishes all human beings in the form of good fortune, prosperity, and the opportunity to fulfill our karmic duties in the world with dignity and majesty. Chant the following mantra to invoke those same qualities and to strengthen the sign Capricorn in your birth chart.


ॐ घृणि: भगादित्य

om ghṛṇiḥ bhagāditya


Venus Gaṇḍānta
