Venus Gaṇḍānta

Venus is known as Śukra in Sanskrit and is the son of the great sage BhṛguBhṛgu was an astrologer who taught his son all of the Vedic sciences. Venus eventually became the teacher of the asuras, or demons in the Hindu pantheon and was endowed with the title Śukrācārya.

VENUS GANDĀNTA - Venus enters the final portion of sidereal Scorpio today around 2:00pm PST as it begins moving through the most unstable portion of the zodiac for the rest of the week. This unstable and often tumultuous position in the zodiac is known as Jyeṣṭhā-Mūla gaṇḍānta and is found in the last 3'20° of Scorpio and the beginning 3'20° of Sagittarius. Due to the simple yet profound fact that water and fire can never mix together, the meeting points between the three water and three fire signs in the zodiac are all named gaṇḍānta. However, most scholars agree that Jyeṣṭhā-Mūla gaṇḍānta is the most troublesome. In fact, according to Nārada, the last degree of Scorpio and first degree of Sagittarius is known as Abhukta Mūla Gaṇḍānta, and an extensive remedial ceremony is enjoined for those born with their Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in this position.

The next two days will be the most turbulent as Venus will remain afflicted in the Rāśi chart by the aspects of both Saturn and Rāhu. However, having moved into the final pada of Scorpio means that Venus is now in Pisces navāṁśa, and though she will remain afflicted by the navāṁśa aspects of Saturn, Rāhu, and Mars, Venus will also receive the  navāṁśa aspect of benevolent Jupiter ensuring some remedial relief to any challenging circumstances related to her transit. Venus will then leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius around 7:00am PST on January 18th where she will be free of all malefic aspects and gain the 9th-house aspect of Jupiter for the duration of her stay in Sagittarius, culminating to an exact 240° angle on January 28th.

The transit of planets through the zodiac impacts each person differently. Even thought the planet may be in the same sign, it will move at a unique distance from your natal ascendant and moon in your birth chart. Classical Vedic astrology texts teach that the transit of Venus in the 6th, 7th, or 10th house position is inauspicious and can be troublesome for activities related to the natural significations of Venus such as women, automobiles, warfare, and travel. Everyone is advised to avoid beginning any new journeys or automobile adventures for the remainder of this week. If you are running Venus Mahādaśā or Antardaśā, or your ascendant or Moon is in Gemini, Cancer, or Pisces in your birth chart, then you may benefit from seeking temporary remediation for the duration of Venus' stay in Sagittarius until February 11th.

To learn more about the transit of Venus and the other planets, check out my "Transits in Vedic Astrology" course. For a detailed analysis of transits in your birth chart book a natal chart reading with me here on my website.

ॐ ज्येष्ठानक्षत्रसम्भूताय नमः

om jyeṣṭhānakṣatrasambhūtāya namaḥ

ॐ ज्येष्ठाय नमः

om jyeṣṭhāya namaḥ

 ॐ शुक्राय नमः

om śukrāya namaḥ




Makara Saṅkrānti